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Understanding Motherhood Workshop

A creative workshop to integrate the experience of becoming a mum. 

What is it and why would I go?

Firstly, no artistic ability is required. I promise!

This is a creative workshop for women who have been deeply affected by the profound experience of becoming a mother. Often life can be so busy that we rarely leave time to stop, reflect and process the experience of not only birthing your beautiful baby but also birthing a mother and the enormous identity shift that can accompany that.

It's time to honour your experience, integrate it and move forward.

Together we will use artistic tools and methods to:

~ Find clarity and meaning

~ Process emotions

~ Release pain or hurt

So if you would like to take the time out for yourself to explore the experience of becoming a mother and what that has meant for you, sign up!. This workshop is also suitable for those mums who have experienced pre or post natal depression, pre or post natal anxiety and anger.

Why a creative workshop?

Art has been used throughout human history to express the depths of human experience because our minds understand the abstract or symbols at a deeper level than language. 

We can talk to ourselves and others about our experience but sometimes we need a little bit more to fully integrate the experience to improve our well being and process our mothering journey.

What will you need on the day? 

Everything will be supplied on the day. However if you do have any artistic materials that you love to use yourself (like notebooks, journals, pencils, pens, pictures, symbols etc) please feel free to bring along.

Your takeaways 

Everything you create is yours to take home - to file away or to hang proudly.

After the workshop I will also be inviting you to participate in a 21 day journal challenge based on your experience. After the 21 days there is a 30 min follow up video call to check in and discuss your experience and offer any further support or guidance. This is an opt-in addition to the course and you are free to choose if you would like to participate or not. 

  • Improve your self-expression  

  • Uncover and release outdated patterns  

  • Heal past emotional pain  

  • Tune into your intuition  

  • Explore your desires about motherhood and parenting 

Plus, you’ll receive additional powerful processes to use, including guided meditation resources and art for stress reduction. 

The practicalities 

 Cost: €85 p/person  

New dates to be announced soon 

*This is a group workshop that is limited to 8 people to get the most out of it. 

Let's get going….

Email me to register your interest.  Looking forward to connecting with you.

Later Event: May 8
Becoming Mum