Becoming Mum
10:00 AM10:00

Becoming Mum

A workshop for pregnant or adopting mums who want to mindfully prepare for motherhood.

If you find yourself asking any of the below during pregnancy, this workshop is for you. 

  • What does Motherhood mean for me? 

  • How will I be changed by it? 

  • Will I ever be ‘myself’ again? 

  • How will a baby fit into life as we know it? 

  • What will my new norm look like? 

I see Mums getting overwhelmed, confused, pressurised by what is perceived as ‘society says so’ and upset at the fear of mum failure even before they meet their baby stars. It doesn't have to be this way but that takes conscious attention and grounding to truly believe in your ability to be the best Mum you can be, guided by your own compass. 

Many of the mums I work with want to be the best they can be and not lose themselves in their new identity. They want to give their kids the best life all whilst balancing a career, family life and nurture their own relationships and pursuits. 

This is the time to invest in yourself and your relationships while you have the time, energy and head space. 

Who is this workshop for? 

This is a full day workshop for pregnant or adopting mums who want to mindfully prepare for motherhood (even if it is your 2 or 3rd child). It’s about finding yourself, being true to who you are and as a result being a really great parent. This is not a workshop about breastfeeding, birth plans or parenting philosophies. 

We take a practical approach; talking, interacting, writing and figuring stuff out, ultimately making a blueprint for you. The aim is to leave you feeling competent, grounded, assured, and confident on the pathway to modern day motherhood.

What can I expect from the workshop?

  • Gentle grounding exercise - Slowing down and connecting with yourself and baby in prep for the rest of the workshop. This is a great exercise to use at home too!

  • Your vision of motherhood - Exploring perceptions about yourself and how the life you are leading will change post birth (career, marriage, relationships, me time) 

  • You as your ideal mum - What does parenthood mean to you and your partner? What type of mum would you like to be? And how do you be that version of yourself? 

  • Getting rid of ‘shoulds’ - What do we think we should do as a new mum? How should I behave? How should I dress? etc..Remaining grounded in your own vision. 

  • Create a personalised plan to get prepared for motherhood, specifically the 1st 4/6 weeks postpartum, then, +6 months + 1 year

  • Remaining grounded through your journey - The ‘how to’s’

What do I need to bring?

  • Optional: Cushion, pillow, blanket, hot water bottle, anything to make you comfey! 

  • Journal or notebook: somewhere to capture your thoughts, visions and reflections on the day

  • Snacks, water (I know how hungry pregnant ladies get!) 

  • Just to ask yourself also: Are you in a place where you are capable of taking on the challenge of looking at yourself in an honest and compassionate way

Cost: €85 p/person  

Dates to be announced soon 

Let's get going….

Email me to register your interest.  Looking forward to connecting with you.

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Understanding Motherhood Workshop
10:00 AM10:00

Understanding Motherhood Workshop

A creative workshop to integrate the experience of becoming a mum. 

What is it and why would I go?

Firstly, no artistic ability is required. I promise!

This is a creative workshop for women who have been deeply affected by the profound experience of becoming a mother. Often life can be so busy that we rarely leave time to stop, reflect and process the experience of not only birthing your beautiful baby but also birthing a mother and the enormous identity shift that can accompany that.

It's time to honour your experience, integrate it and move forward.

Together we will use artistic tools and methods to:

~ Find clarity and meaning

~ Process emotions

~ Release pain or hurt

So if you would like to take the time out for yourself to explore the experience of becoming a mother and what that has meant for you, sign up!. This workshop is also suitable for those mums who have experienced pre or post natal depression, pre or post natal anxiety and anger.

Why a creative workshop?

Art has been used throughout human history to express the depths of human experience because our minds understand the abstract or symbols at a deeper level than language. 

We can talk to ourselves and others about our experience but sometimes we need a little bit more to fully integrate the experience to improve our well being and process our mothering journey.

What will you need on the day? 

Everything will be supplied on the day. However if you do have any artistic materials that you love to use yourself (like notebooks, journals, pencils, pens, pictures, symbols etc) please feel free to bring along.

Your takeaways 

Everything you create is yours to take home - to file away or to hang proudly.

After the workshop I will also be inviting you to participate in a 21 day journal challenge based on your experience. After the 21 days there is a 30 min follow up video call to check in and discuss your experience and offer any further support or guidance. This is an opt-in addition to the course and you are free to choose if you would like to participate or not. 

  • Improve your self-expression  

  • Uncover and release outdated patterns  

  • Heal past emotional pain  

  • Tune into your intuition  

  • Explore your desires about motherhood and parenting 

Plus, you’ll receive additional powerful processes to use, including guided meditation resources and art for stress reduction. 

The practicalities 

 Cost: €85 p/person  

New dates to be announced soon 

*This is a group workshop that is limited to 8 people to get the most out of it. 

Let's get going….

Email me to register your interest.  Looking forward to connecting with you.

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Mums! Give your ‘No Time’ battle cries the red card
10:00 AM10:00

Mums! Give your ‘No Time’ battle cries the red card

Like many Moms, they have no idea where their time goes, always so much to do and never enough time to do it. They remember being organised and quick but now they can't complete a single task or it takes them hours, if not days, to complete. You might have had visions of being a fun, relaxed, calm and an easy going Mom before you had children. Now that they are here it's a very different story.  You have become a forever running around, frazzled and stressed Mom. 
Commit to taking control of your time and more importantly start enjoying it!

What to Expect:

This half day workshop is designed for Moms who want to get back in the driving seat of their time instead of letting life run away with them. 
It takes a practical approach; talking, interacting, writing and figuring stuff out, ultimately making a plan for You. 
I do ask that some pre-course work is completed as this allows you to make the most out of the time we have together. You will leave the workshop with a folder of ready to use resources to take control of your time.

What am I going to get from this course?

Give yourself an instant parent upgrade - Pre-course work!

What makes you the best managing director in the world of your family?

  • Taking control of the clock . Not only identify your biggest PESTs - Problems, Energy Levels, Stress, Time (never enough of it) and then do something about them! 

  • Slow down for at least half a day! Time to step away, reassess and implement some tried and test tools and strategies to take control of your time

  • Top 10 parenting problems and get tackling them

  • Taking control of the housework

  • Learning to say 'No'Play dates list with children

  • Exploring how to find valuable 'Me time'

  • I am going to tell you you are doing a great job and I would like to join me in telling yourself that too! Know you are not alone.

  • Meet other Moms who are in the same boat and share ideas and Mom life hacks.

  • Essential skills you can practice and hone straight away

  • Tech Savvy time management hacks 

  • Oldie but goodies: ‘Old fashioned’ time management hacks

  • Resources to take away to put into practice straight away 

What are the requirements?

  • A beautiful / functional journal or notebook to record your responses, thoughts, visions or ideas throughout the day and afterwards

  • You are in a place where you are capable of taking on the challenge of looking at yourself in an honest and compassionate way.

Cost: €45 p/person 

Let's get going

Email me to register your interest. Looking forward to connecting with you.

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