Gone but Not Forgotten

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Designed to give new mothers increased levels of confidence and skill in their ability to successfully prepare for their return to work.  

Tools you will need when preparing to go back to work both practically and emotionally. Explore the common challenges faced by many women around self-confidence, holding difficult conversations and clarity around what the balance is that they are striving for, and what tools and resources are available to re-enter the workforce with confidence and clarity.  

Includes two coaching sessions and an individualised coaching plan.

Coaching Outcomes: 

  • Explore the realities of the transition, providing an opportunity to discuss not only the initial return but also the longer-term adjustment required as part of a sustainable return. This includes subjects such as changes in identity, different childcare options, formal or informal alternative work patterns, and re-engaging with stakeholders and key clients.

  • Identify the transition touchpoints from ‘parent to working parent’ including the importance of ensuring that arrangements for return are clear and communicated.

  • Identify a range of tools and resources to best support the transition.

  • Coaching and support as you start preparing for working life again.

  • Increased awareness of how motherhood may impact your working life and identity.

  • Tips and strategies to help you manage practical considerations and emotions as you prepare to rejoin paid employment.